San Damiano Society Senior Day- The Centurions  and Relics Continued
9:00 AM09:00

San Damiano Society Senior Day- The Centurions and Relics Continued

Did you realize that the first person to recognize Jesus as the Son of God after His death on the cross was a pagan soldier? His words were, "Truly, this was the Son of God." What could have happened to make the soldier say this? Come and hear the rest of the story. Deacon Jerry will weave together an amazing story of redemption.

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A Journey of Understanding:  Nostra Aetate Reflections  Part 1 Introduction & Taize Prayer for Peace
3:00 PM15:00

A Journey of Understanding: Nostra Aetate Reflections Part 1 Introduction & Taize Prayer for Peace

As part of the Jubilee Year, Pilgrims of Hope, this series aims to foster a deeper sense of unity and shared humanity. We invite you to join us in this journey of reflection and prayer, starting with an introduction to the Papal Document Nostra Aetate and a beautiful Taizé prayer service.

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Lent Weekend Retreat: Life in the Eucharist
to Mar 16

Lent Weekend Retreat: Life in the Eucharist

During the Life In The Eucharist Retreat, led by Reverend George Dunne, SSS, a Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament priest and his Life In The Eucharist team you will engage in Lenten practices such as prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, which will deepen your connection to the Eucharist and enhance your preparation for Easter.

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San Damiano Senior Day- In the Footstep of John Paul II, PART 2
9:00 AM09:00

San Damiano Senior Day- In the Footstep of John Paul II, PART 2

Calling the "John Paul Generation!"  Sr. Gianna Grace, a Servant of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, will speak to us about the life and legacy of this great saint! Did you grow up during Pope Saint John Paul II's Pontificate? ...then you are part of the "JPII Generation!" In his talks, teachings, visits, and letters, he was speaking directly to you!

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