Servants of the pierced hearts of jesus and mary
Scan the QR Code or click on the image above to visit our music website!
Physical CDs are available in the San Pedro Gift Shop!
You can also order CDs and/or USBs of this Music Album at our online Catholic bookstore: Triumph of Love Shop
Pilgrim Images – Your Home Can Be a Pilgrimage Site!
Would you like to welcome the images of the Pierced Hearts into your home and pray with them? This opportunity is for youth, young adults, and the faithful of all ages...individuals and/or families - all are welcome to participate as a place of pilgrimage for these images.
Click HERE or the link below for more information, instructions, and to find out how you can host the Pilgrim Images of the Pierced Hearts in your home.
You can also sign up by contacting this email address directly:
Our Lady Queen of Peace Convent Email
Our Lady Queen of Peace Convent Landline
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Spanish Webpage
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