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'San Damiano Society': In the Footsteps of Jesus A Virtual Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Date: Thursday, February 9, 2023

Location: St. Francis of Assisi Hall

Time: 9:00 am-2:00 pm

As we prepare for the season of Lent, come and walk (albeit virtually) in the very footsteps of Jesus!

Join us and discover what it is like to go on Pilgrimage to the Holy Land ... from the time you depart on your flight to Tel Aviv, Israel, to your prayer of thanksgiving at the conclusion of your pilgrimage, and all of the important and most holy sites in between, see where Jesus walked, taught, died, and rose. Prepare to encounter Him along The Way.  Walk in the footsteps of Jesus ... you will never be the same!

Coffee and Breakfast are served at 9:00 am.

The program begins at 9:30 am followed by lunch and ends with Mass at 1:00 pm.

Cost: $18 per person

If you wish to attend San Damiano Society, you may also pay upon arrival.

Online registration has closed. A limited number of walk-ins welcome!

This talk will also be given on February 23rd at ‘Fill Your Cup’.

Meet Our Speaker!

This photo was taken of Faith in the Old City of Jerusalem. 

Faith Libbe, OFS is a Secular Franciscan who has been blessed to travel to the Holy Land 13 times! Faith’s first 5 visits were personal pilgrimages that led to a great love for the land where Jesus walked and a love for the indigenous Christians.  She became a Regional Representative for the Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land and also  began coordinating pilgrimages to the Holy Land, accompanying her pilgrim groups on their journey .  She is in the process of coordinating her 9th pilgrimage and very eager to return to the land of Jesus since having to take a break due to the pandemic.

One of her greatest joys is to offer opportunities to walk in the footsteps of Jesus in His Holy Land and to offer Virtual Pilgrimages for those unable to travel to the Holy Land.

Faith has been happily married  to her husband Michael for 32 years and they enjoy heading to the mountains with their dog Bella!