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Senior Day with Marcus Otte


Introduction to St. Thomas Aquinas: The Doctor of the Church

with Marcus Otte

To know Jesus, we need to know the Scriptures. But it is difficult to understand Scripture as a whole, because it is not arranged systematically. One of the tasks of theology is to relate the teachings of the faith to one another, to display the beauty of their harmony, by arranging these teachings in a system.

Thomas Aquinas devoted himself largely to this task, and became the most influential theologian in Church history, up to our present day. His interpretation of the faith is so normative, he has been dubbed the "Common Doctor," the doctor shared most by all the Church. 

In this talk, Marcus Otte will examine Aquinas' greatest and most carefully arranged work, the Summa Theologiae, giving an overview of Aquinas' vision of the faith and of all reality.   


Marcus Otte is a philosophy PhD candidate at Boston College, writing a dissertation on Aquinas and the soul. He has taught as a fellow at Boston College, and an adjunct professor at St. John's Seminary.

Coffee and danish are served at 9:00 am. The program begins at 9:30 am followed by lunch. Mass ends the day!

Date: August 8, 2019

Location: St. John the Apostle Bldg.

Time: 9:00am-1:30pm

Cost: $15

**A $3 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your spot for this retreat. Payment is due in full upon check-in at Senior Day.

Register Here

Earlier Event: August 2
Women's Silent Retreat: Into The Deep
Later Event: August 11
An Evening with the Sisters of Life